Tuesday, March 15, 2011

9 Months

Dallas is 9 months old.  Wow.  Before we know it, he'll be turning one and he will certainly have much to celebrate.  He had his well child check up yesterday, which is somewhat hilarious as this child sees at least 2 medical professionals per week...so his "check up" was mostly updating his pediatrician on everything that's happened over the last 3 months.  Dallas weighs 21 lbs, 7oz, and is 27 3/4 inches long.  This puts him, on a "normal" growth chart, at 70th percentile for weight and 15th percentile for length.  We are so proud of our guy, he is growing so well.

His weight is getting to be a bit much for me (mom) to tote around in the infant car seat.  He cannot sit on his own, so we are still dragging the car seat in and out of everywhere!  That being said, he has added "medical" physical therapy, in addition to his already "educational" physical therapy.  The only difference here is that one is provided through the school district and the other takes place at Children's hospital.  We are already seeing progress since adding PT at Children's.  This is both exciting for us and for Dallas as he is also getting bored with lying on the floor....

The guy is eating incredibly well despite his reflux and nose structure/breathing issues. He knows no different and just does a wonderful job.  Although he has not used his g-tube in 3-months, his pediatrician does not want it removed until he proves he can drink from a cup, eat solids (other than baby food), and swallow thin liquids.  He does not have a repeat swallow study or feeding analysis until the end of April, so the g-tube will remain in place for at least a few months.

Dallas has a big surgery taking place on April 12th.  He will have his ears, nose, and throat examined and opened if/where necessary.  He will also be having a repeat CT scan and MRI to help us make decisions regarding cochlear implants.  Finally, his urologist will perfrom both a right and left orchiopexy. Ugh.  Big day for the D-man, but he'll do great.

Meanwhile, he and his sister continue to get to know each other.  Usually every morning Dakota comes straight into my room and demands that I get up immediately.  BUT, yesterday morning, she shouted to me from across the hallway "Mom, Dallas is awake, you need to get up."  I walked in to his bedroom to find her sitting in his crib with him.  She looked at me and said "See mom, I gave Dallas some toys while he was waiting for you."


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