Friday, September 9, 2011

15 Months

What I thought was going to be a great 15-month check up turned in to quite the opposite.  Dallas immune system lab results came back and he has what is called "Hypogammaglobulinemia." This is a disorder that is caused by a lack of B-lymphocytes and a resulting low level of immunglobulins (antibodies) in the blood. Immunoglobulins play a dual role in the immune response by recognizing foreign antigens and triggering a biological response that culminates in the elimination of the antigen.

Basically, he cannot fight off infection, nor does his body respond appropriately to inflammation, or certain immunizations.  And now for the treatment.....he will have to have a port placed under the skin near the top right side of his chest.  This port will then be used to administer monthly blood treatments.  He will need this blood for the rest of his life.  Once he is older, he will get it in the form of a shot.  The blood is taken from humans, pigs, horses, etc., then purified before given to him.  We do not see the immunologist until the end of October to get things started.

Also, his linear growth (height) is deficient.  He dropped from the 4th percentile to the 1st percentile.  We will be meeting with his endocrinologist in October to discuss potential treatment options.

This was all very unexpected and will take some time to absorb.  What I think about most is Dallas, so many appointments, therapies, surgeries, needle pokes, etc.  He goes through so much and still manages to be such a happy guy.  I pray there is never anything that takes the wind out of his sails.

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